Full professor in the Department of Animal Behaviour and Welfare of the Institute of Genetics and Animal Biotechnology of Polish Academy of Sciences
Research interests
Genetics and epigenetics of animal behaviour and welfare.
Impact of human-animal interactions on animal behaviour, welfare and utilization.
Animals’ sense of smell, its biological role and biodetection of odours
Operant conditioning of dogs for detection, discrimination and identification of odours
Protection of genetic resources in horse breeding
Scientific achievements
319 publications, including 73 publications in journals on the JCR list. Author of 4 books and 10 book chapters.
Total number of citations: approximately 1200, Hirsch index – 17
Selected research achievements
He is a pioneer of scientific research on canine sense of smell and using trained dogs for detection and identification of odours by Polish Police. In 2016 he published in the USA, as the first editor in cooperation with American researchers John Ensminger and Gene Papet a unique scientific book worldwide, on all aspects of canine sense of smell and its practical use.
He developed an objective method for assessment the reliabilidity and validity of canine detection or discrimination of various odours, both in odour lineup in a laboratory setting (individual human scent, odour markers of cancer diseases in humans), as well as in field settings (odours of narcotics and explosives).
He has identified unknown mechanisms of intra-species olfactory communications in horses and dogs.
In his earlier studies he proved the importance of human-animal interactions for horse welfare with special consideration of native Konik breed. More recently he analysed the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on welfare of companion animals (dogs and cats).
Implemented research projects
Head of projects:
Grant TOO A 02618 of the Comitee of Scientific Studies, Bureau for Defence Matters - Ethological analysis of mistakes made by police dogs at identification of persons on the base of individual scent..
Grant 2PO6Z 041 27 of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland -Training of special dogs for detedtion of odour markers of cancer diseases in humans.
Grant ON 311 0543 36 of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland – Improvement of different forms of olfactory detection in police special dogs applying behavioural and molecular methods.
Coordinator of the work package of the EU Leonardo da Vinci pilot project HU-04-B- F-PP-170001. - Promoting quality assurance in animal welfare-environment-food quality interaction studies through upgraded eLearning.
Organizational and educational activity
Chairman of the workimg group for protection of genetic resources in horse breedig at the National Research Institute of Animal Production
Chairman and Vice-chairman of the Studbook Commission of Konik Polski horse breed at the Polish Horse Breeders Association.
Lecturer at postgradual and PhD studies and seminars in Poland and abroad, among others at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, SWPS University, Collegium Humanitatis, University of Hohenheim and Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) and University of Changsha (China).
Promoter of 7 PhD dissertations. Reviewer in a procedure to confer the title of professor of agricultural sciences. Reviewer in 4 procedures to confer the degree of doctor of science, out of which 1 at the Freie Universität Berlin as well as reviewer of 9 PhD dissertations.
Selected publications
Link to the scientific profile and website