• 36A PostÄ™pu st.

    05-552 Magdalenka, Poland

  • sekretariat@igbzpan.pl

    tel. +48 22 736-70-00
    fax +48 22 756-16-99

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    Institute of Genetics and Animal Biotechnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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    INPEX 2016
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    Brussels Innova
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    The work of the IGAB PAS team was published in Nature Biotechnology, IF 33,1

Pig Research Update - SOWWEANWEL



Effects of chronic stress during pregnancy on sow welfare, reproductive performance, & on the resilience of offspring to stress.

This project is a collaboration between Teagasc & the Institute of Genetics & Animal Biotechnology, Poland. It investigates the risk factors for chronic stress in gestating sows, providing knowledge to aid the development of management strategies for pregnant sows to minimise stress effects on welfare & reproductive performance, & on the resilience of the offspring to stress & disease.


Stress for sows is limited to mixing, sows also experience chronic stress related to competition for limited resources, housing, & management factors. Acute stress has serious negative implications for sow reproductive performance & welfare. Less is understood of the effects of chronic stress during pregnancy which has additional implications as piglets are exposed to stress hormones in utero. This can have life-long consequences for their ability to cope with stress & disease challenges.


  • Identify risk factors for chronic stress in gestating sows associated with aspects of housing systems & individual sow characteristics
  • Evaluate effects of chronic stress on sow reproductive performance & welfare
  • Evaluate prenatal effects of chronicstress on offspring resilience & performance

More information: https://www.teagasc.ie/publications/2020/pig-research-update---sowweanwel.php

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