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    Institute of Genetics and Animal Biotechnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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    INPEX 2016
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    Brussels Innova


professor of the Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding PAS


Field of interest

molecular genetics, animal breeding, food quality


Scientific achievements

– ca. 70 publications, 55 papers from JCR list. 3 monographs and books, total citations ca. 156, Hirsch index – 8


Selected scientific achievements

1. The subject of her interest is animal genetics, including molecular genetics, especially genes and mutations and their expression that have a significant impact on the shaping of the production traits, the health and reproduction of domestic animals. She find very important association between prolactin polymorphism, osteopontin polymorphism and other genes and litter size in different breeds of pigs. She published 123 records in GenBank including two polymorphism in GH gene and two in PRL gene and 118 microsatellite markers.
2. Additional applied research is conducted in the fields of the safe food. In the study of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the Japanese quail model conducted of 10 generations she showed no negative impact of the use of GMO feed on productivity, reproduction, quality of meat and eggs, bird health. Research in this respect relates to extremely important aspects of public health and is socially relevant.
Team in which she work was award of the Faculty of Agricultural, Forestry and Veterinary Polish Academy of Sciences for the "Mapping of genes affecting carcass quality of pigs” - Warsaw 1999 and in the 2006 team award of the Faculty of Agricultural, Forestry and Veterinary Polish Academy of Sciences for „Identification of markers associated with the performance traits of pigs”. Other awards: Bronze Cross of Merit in 2015.


Realized research projects

Principal investigator in subtask 4.8 in project “BIOFOOD –innovative functional products of animal origin” POIG.01.01.02-014-090/09, in 2010-2013.
Principal Investigator in polish part of “QPorkchains - Improving the quality of pork and pork products for the consumer: Development of innovative, integrated and sustainable food production chains of high quality pork products matching consumer demands”, EU project, FP6-036245.


Organizational activity, dissemination and others

Member of International Association of Animal Genetics (ISAG), since 2017 President of the Warsaw Branch of Society of Polish Genetics. Expert in animal feeding with GMOs – she participated in consultation with government in the field of polish law of GMO. She had an presentation on invitation of the PRO-SALUTEM- The European Association for the Promotion of Health (2013). INTERNATIONAL TRAINING June 2004 study visit in Germany (within the project PL01/IB/EN/03 „Implementation of Biosafety in Poland". October 2004 study visit in Germany (within the project PL01/IB/EN/03) "Implementation of Biosafety in Poland. 2000- 2001 - 1 year Post doctoral Fellowship, Department of Veterinary PathoBiology, University of Minnesota (St. Paul, USA)


Selected publications and patents

A. Korwin-Kossakowska, K.M. Reed, C. Pelak, E. Krause, L. Morrison and L.J. Alexander, 2002 – Radiation hybrid mapping of 118 new porcine microsatellites. Animal Genetics 33, no.3, 224-228. IF=1,815
Agnieszka Korwin Kossakowska, Joanna Wyszyńska-Koko, Grażyna Sender 2006 – A novel polymorphism of the porcine prolactin gene (PRL). Neuroendocrinology Letters vol. 27(1-2):241-246 . IF=1,955
Lucyna Kątska-Książkiewicz, Dorota Lechniak, Agnieszka Korwin-Kossakowska, Hannelore Alm, Bozenna Ryńska, Ewelina Warzych, Jarosław Sosnowski, Grazyna Sender 2006 – Genetical and biotechnological methods of utilization of female reproductive potential in mammals. Reproductive Biology vol.6,Supp.1, 21-36.IF=1,513.
Sartowska K., Korwin-Kossakowska A., Poławska E., Lipińska P., Sender G. 2014 – Sex-related differences in the nutritional value of Japanese quail meat. International Journal of Food Science&Technology 49, 2635-2642.IF1,640.
Sartowska. K. E., Korwin-Kossakowska A., Sender G. 2015 – Genetically modified crops in ten-generation feeding trial on Japanese Quail – Evaluation of its influence on birds’ performance and body composition. Poultry Science 94(12), 2909-2916. IF=1,908.
Agnieszka Korwin-Kossakowska, Katarzyna Sartowska, Beata Prusak, Grzegorz Tomczyk, Grażyna Sender 2016 – Health status and potential uptake of transgenic DNA by Japanese quail fed diets containing genetically modified plant ingredients over 10 generations. British Poultry Science 57 (3), 415-423.IF=0,884.


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